



Zen Supp tm

This is Fanette, a pretty 3.5 year old female sterilized ram rabbit that I saw in consultation for loss of shape, loss of appetite, prostration. Her stools were normal.

Auscultation was completely normal and there were no dental abnormalities. By talking to her owners, we concluded that she is stressed because the male with whom she lives is constantly trying to cover her even though he is castrated.

I nevertheless performed an x-ray to rule out any digestive disease. It showed a stomach and intestines full of food but fortunately transit did not seem stopped. Which means that Fanette is eating normally and everything is going well in this regard. I prescribed her ¼ tablet of Zen Supp™ per day and I implanted a hormonal implant into the male.

Within a few days, the female rabbit resumed her habits and her behavior became completely normal again.

Veterinary Doctor Mylène Peeters-Çavdar, Practitioner for Exotic Pets, Olbia Veterinary Clinic in Hyères – France