







Miloa has always been at the heart of precious terroirs which provide us with the quintessence of their effectiveness.


The DVEL is an association which brings together students who have chosen to put their skills at the service of people on the street...




Ultra Sweet tm

I use Miloa brand Ultra Sweet™ shampoo for my female white-haired cat Némésis. She loves to do mechanics; she rubs herself against cars full of grease, she sleeps in the garage with the tools of the boss... and regularly gets back as black as coal. Since I've been using Ultra Sweet™ shampoo, my cat got white again, and I'm delighted!/p> What's more, the fragrance is pleasant and long-lasting. I just love it! Thanks Miloa

Marion from Châteauneuf-du-Pape – France

Zen Miloa tm

Lucifer is a 6-month-old kitten. Unfortunately, he has not been properly weaned and is not well socialised. He is very close to his owner, but very anxious around other people and also with his fellow cats. He has recently been living with 3 other cats and living with his 3 friends is rather difficult. My vet told me to try Zen Miloa™ as a room spray in the house to relax Lucifer. After using it for a few days, he seems more relaxed. He's slowly starting to approach his fellow cats and sometimes plays with them (in moderation). He is…

Grégory from Hauts de France – France

Digest Regul tm

As a veterinary assistant, I regularly recommend Miloa Digest Regul™ to our patients for temporary diarrhea. My female dog Iso, Akita Inu, suffers from osteoarthritis. In the event of an attack, the veterinarian prescribes anti-inflammatories. This systematically causes diarrhea and abdominal pain. I give her 1 tablet of Digest Regul™ morning and evening for 1 week and no more diarrhea! From now on I treat her with Digest Regul™ every time she takes an anti-inflammatory. She takes Digest Regul™ very easily because I crumble it on her kibble meal. Thanks to Miloa

Vanessa, Vaucluse – France

Digest Regul tm

I travel a lot with my female Sphynx cat Pandora thanks to our campervan. In January 2024, during our vacation in Vaucluse, she had extremely nauseating diarrhea. It's hard to live together in the camper van... with a cat who has liquid stools. The vet gave us Digest Regul™ which cured it. Simply crumble the medication onto the kibble twice a day for 1 week. She ate without any problem, her stools became normal in 2 days and above all no more bad smell! I am very satisfied with this product. Thanks Miloa.

Freddy, Loyettes – France

Digest Regul tm

Good morning, On advice of my veterinarian, I use Digest Regul™ when my female dogs start to have loose stools. I vary the duration of the treatment depending on their stools. In general, 1 day of treatment with 1 tablet morning and evening is sufficient. If there is really more severe diarrhea, I give 1 tablet morning and evening for the first 2 days then ½ tablet morning and evening for 2 days. I give Digest Regul™ for digestive problems and it is very effective quickly. I always have some in reserve at home.

Eve, Orange – France

Respi Miloa tm

Khezia is a 17-year-old granny cat who has chronic coryza. My veterinarian recommended Respi Miloa™ in drop formulation as soon as she starts sneezing again. I place Khezia in her transport crate. I placed a bowl of hot water with Respi Miloa™ drops in front of the grill and covered with a towel. As soon as the bowl is cold I released her. I arranged 1 inhalation morning and evening for 6 days. Quickly, she breathes better and no longer sneezes. Plus, the house smells of essential oils! Thanks to this treatment, she is doing much better and no longer…

Gaëlle from Fréjus – France

Mobility Supp tm

Cerise is an 11-year-old Bichon cross. She came to us with a tremor in her hind legs and was finding it difficult to jump up onto a chair. These bouts of arthritis were happening more and more often, especially after longer walks. Long-term treatment with Mobility Supp™ at a daily dose of half a tablet has considerably eased the trembling. Her mistress has seen a real change, especially after a walk.

Dr Marie-Aude Fournié, Veterinary practice Sambre Vet - Aulnoye-Aymeries – France

Digest Regul tm

This is Lapinou, an 11 year old male dwarf rabbit who comes for consultation because he has diarrhea which alternates with normal droppings on the same day for 3 days. This is at least the third time that he has presented these kinds of symptoms in two months but it is the first time that his owners have shown it to me in consultation. There are no repercussions on his general condition and his appetite is preserved. His diet is not suitable because he receives poor quality pellets in large quantities, biscuits, cake, corn, very few vegetables and poor quality…

Veterinary Doctor Mylène Peeters-Çavdar, Practitioner for Exotic Pets, Olbia Veterinary Clinic in Hyères – France

Reno Pro tm

This is Bunny, a 3 year old female sterilized rabbit who came to see me because her owner noticed that she was drinking and urinating a lot, that she no longer had appetite and that she had been adopting an abnormal position for 2 to 3 days. On general examination, I found her to be dehydrated. She was soiled with urine between the hind legs and she presented intense pain when palpating the abdomen on the left and right. Her intestinal transit was reduced. Her body temperature was normal. Examination of her teeth showed no abnormalities. The blood test indicated…

Veterinary Doctor Mylène Peeters-Çavdar, Practitioner for Exotic Pets, Olbia Veterinary Clinic in Hyères – France

Ultra Sweet tm

I take good care of my little 12 year old chihuahua: Gucci. I wash it every month and brush it every day. It was starting to scratch itself despite the antiparasitic medication. Following the advice of a friend who is veterinary assistant, I tested Ultra Sweet Miloa™ shampoo in December 2023. Since I have been using it, Gucci has an incomparably soft hair, it shines and it no longer has any itching problems. I use it once a month and I am satisfied with the results. I can only recommend this shampoo.

Carol, Fréjus – France

Consti Regul tm

Moka is a charming 8-year-old little European cat. He suffers from regular vomiting and constipation associated with massive ingestion of hair. Because of its indoor lifestyle, shedding does not occur naturally, which causes abundant hair loss throughout the year and therefore massive ingestion of hair when toileting. As a result, he vomits hairballs and his transit is difficult. Use of Consti Regul™: After 3 weeks of use, Moka is doing better. Moka no longer vomits to expel his hairballs and goes to stool at least once a day. In addition, thanks to the super palatability of Consti Regul™, he takes…

Léna, Veterinary Assistant - Veterinary Clinic of the Cigales - Château-Thierry – France

Immune Supp tm

Let me introduce you to Simba, a 6 month old male Flanders Giant rabbit. I saw him in consultation because he had a bite wound on his stomach inflicted by a friend. As he also had to be castrated, during the surgical procedure, I debrided this wound. I put him on antibiotics and the healing of this bite wound took a long time. A few months later, he returned for consultation because he had numerous abscesses under the skin of his stomach, again due to bites inflicted by a friend. During the surgical excision, I took samples to determine which…

Veterinary Doctor Mylène Peeters-Çavdar, Practitioner for Exotic Pets, Olbia Veterinary Clinic in Hyères – France

Der Miloa tm Zen Supp tm

Let me introduce you to Angelo, a 4.5 year old gray parrot from Gabon. When I saw him for consultation the first time, he had been followed without improvement for 6 months by a colleague for an injury under the wing with significant itching. He was under treatment with fluoxetine, an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory. His owner was desperate and even considered euthanizing him. The parrot had a large bandage surrounding the wing. He was super stressed. He hadn't spoken for several months and he had lost a lot of weight. Under the bandage, I discovered that the inside of his…

Veterinary Doctor Mylène Peeters-Çavdar, Practitioner for Exotic Pets, Olbia Veterinary Clinic in Hyères – France

Der Miloa tm Reno Pro tm

Let me introduce you to Crumble, a small 8-year-old male dwarf rabbit that I received for consultation because he urinated a lot and this caused his hair to become dirty around the genital area and hind legs. Indeed, Crumble showed extensive dermatitis between and on the inside of the hind legs with hair loss. This caused very significant pain. His general condition remained good. Abdominal palpation showed a smaller kidney on the left than on the right but the owners refused an x-ray-exam. A blood test showed normal dosage of urea and creatinine but total proteins were too high. I…

Veterinary Doctor Mylène Peeters-Çavdar, Practitioner for Exotic Pets, Olbia Veterinary Clinic in Hyères – France

Zen Supp tm

This is Fanette, a pretty 3.5 year old female sterilized ram rabbit that I saw in consultation for loss of shape, loss of appetite, prostration. Her stools were normal. Auscultation was completely normal and there were no dental abnormalities. By talking to her owners, we concluded that she is stressed because the male with whom she lives is constantly trying to cover her even though he is castrated. I nevertheless performed an x-ray to rule out any digestive disease. It showed a stomach and intestines full of food but fortunately transit did not seem stopped. Which means that Fanette is…

Veterinary Doctor Mylène Peeters-Çavdar, Practitioner for Exotic Pets, Olbia Veterinary Clinic in Hyères – France

Anti Ageing tm

This is Pinette, a 12.5 year old female dwarf rabbit who comes for consultation because of a stiff neck: her head was stuck at a right angle to the right. She was spinning in circles to the right and was unable to eat or drink. On clinical examination, she did not present nystagmus, her teeth did not show any abnormality, her temperature was normal and palpation showed a flexible abdomen. Her blood work was also completely normal. I hospitalized her to put her on a drip and give her supportive treatments as well as specific feeding. After 24 hours, I…

Veterinary Doctor Mylène Peeters-Çavdar, Practitioner for Exotic Pets, Olbia Veterinary Clinic in Hyères – France

Hepa supp tm

I introduce you to Picatchou, a 9 year old male dwarf rabbit. During consultation, the owners told me he would urinate everywhere; his rear end would be soiled; he would be losing weight, and above all he would have difficulty eating. On auscultation, I immediately noticed that he had intense pain in the left mandible and that at this level he showed a lump the size of a walnut. His dental exam was normal. I noticed hair loss around both eyes, and that he was suffering from significant weight loss. His body temperature was normal. I hospitalized him for 48…

Veterinary Doctor Mylène Peeters-Çavdar, Practitioner for Exotic Pets, Olbia Veterinary Clinic in Hyères – France

Digest Regul tm

This is Panpan, a 7.5 year old ram rabbit. He came to see me for consultation for transit arrest. He was amorphous, showed loss of appetite, could no longer sit still and took abnormal positions. On the x-ray, I observed a digestive ileus and the presence of a ureteral stone. Six months earlier, I had already discovered kidney stones. Following this diagnosis, I changed his diet and implemented a first treatment. The pain caused by the expulsion of the stone is responsible for the cessation of transit and clinical signs. I hospitalized Panpan to take care of him and manage…

Veterinary Doctor Mylène Peeters-Çavdar, Practitioner for Exotic Pets, Olbia Veterinary Clinic in Hyères – France

Ultra Sweet tm

This is Nao, my 5 year old Husky who loves rolling in the mud! I shower him at least once every 15 days because of his “wild boar” habits. I was using a basic shampoo with which I never had any problems but I heard about the Ultra Sweet™ shampoo from Miloa and I let myself be tempted. In fact, it is a shampoo specially developed for frequent use and which also makes white coats more radiant! I am very satisfied with this shampoo. Nao found his hair was very soft and silkier after several uses. I also have the…

Océane Lefour – Château-Porcien – France

Zen Supp tm

Good news for Sanji... Sanji lives with 2 other rabbits who also have E.cuniculi. So that cohabitation goes as smoothly as possible or that the anesthesia due to dental cleaning does not have bad repercussions on their general condition, the owner treats it with Zen Supp™ (1/2 tablet per day for a few days) before and after the stressful situation. Since then, Zen Supp™ has been useful more than once in all these situations for these 3 rabbits.

Veterinarian Sophie Ventura - Specialized in pathology and breeding of exotic pets - Anicura Clinique du Château in Gembloux

Immune Supp tm

Here is Délice, a female Aries rabbit, sterilized and 7.5 years old. She came to see me for vestibular syndrome. She had a stiff neck, she fell on her left side on her own. She was unable to stand up straight and for 12 hours she had been unable to eat or drink. During the clinical examination, I highlighted a soft lump the size of a walnut under his left ear which looked like an abscess. Everything else about my exam was normal. On the x-ray, I saw a marked opacity of the left tympanic bulla. To date, the mass…

Veterinary Doctor Mylène Peeters-Çavdar, Practitioner for Exotic Pets, Olbia Veterinary Clinic in Hyères - France

Omega Supp tm Reno Pro tm

Tchyco arrived in a very thin state at the Noah’s Ark shelter in August 2023. He was only 2 and a half years old. He had many symptoms which suggested that he was ill: several skin lesions, very pale mucous membranes, lameness, very damaged eye area, anorexia. Volunteering at the shelter, I immediately fell in love with him. Quickly, my family and I became his new family for life. It was important to quickly offer him a calm environment, a suitable diet and a lot of love to help him get back on his feet. He was quickly seen by…

Lise Biagi - Maisières - Belgium

Anti-Ox tm Hepa supp tm Zen Supp tm

Thank you for your availability, your advice and answers to our questions, as well as for your quality products whose effectiveness without side effects amazes me every time. Anti-Ageing™ and Anti-Ox™ are not the only Miloa products I give to my dog. I also occasionally give him Zen Supp™ because he is naturally quite anxious and is more and more so as he gets older. He stresses a lot during vet visits, changes in his habits and during fireworks, firecrackers... etc. I tried lots of other products. Zen Supp™ is the only one that soothes him enough and that he…

François Wanguer

Reno Pro tm

Lunard is a 1-year-old castrated male rabbit was presented for consultation for uncleanliness, excessive water intake and very liquid feces. A blood test was taken showing a marked elevation in renal parameters and antibodies against the parasite Encephalotizoon Cuniculi. Sanji is a 2 year old castrated male presented for decreased appetite and significant weight loss. He drank more than usual. Just like Lunard, he suffered from an E.cuniculi infection and had increased kidney parameters. For Sanji and Lunard, urinary symptoms quickly improved following taking anti-parasitic and Reno Pro™ from Miloa (1/2 tab per day continuously for 1 month) to support…

Veterinarian Sophie Ventura - Specialized in pathology and breeding of exotic pets - Anicura Clinique du Château in Gembloux

Hepa supp tm Omega Supp tm

Coco is a 6-year-old obese rosalbin, with lipomas (fat mass), dull plumage and a lack of energy. He hardly spoke anymore. His diet consisted of seed mixtures. Following a dietary rebalancing and thanks to the addition of Omega Supp™ and Hepa Supp™ from Miloa, Coco lost weight and his plumage became shinier. The owners were happy to find their companion as before. In birds, many pathologies such as hepatic lipidosis, atherosclerosis and pododermatitis are favored by obesity. Omega Supp™, thanks to its essential fatty acids, helps prevent the metabolic and digestive changes that can occur with age. In addition, Hepa…

Veterinarian Sophie Ventura - Specialized in pathology and breeding of exotic pets - Anicura Clinique du Château in Gembloux

Flex Miloa tm

Sky is our beloved cat and he will soon be 14 years old. With age, he presents locomotor problems. He has difficulty moving and limps. This handicaps him a lot. We did x-rays which did not allow us to make a precise diagnosis. He received anti-inflammatories for a few days and then we took over with Flex Miloa™. With the Flex Miloa™, we massaged his hind legs every 2 days. Sky enjoyed his massage sessions which relieved him. After a fortnight of using Flex Miloa™, we noticed that Sky was no longer in pain and was moving around much more…

Mme Maria Dias de Beine-Nauroy – France

Respi Miloa tm

Severus is our 8 year old female cat. Unfortunately, she has suffered from respiratory problems for several years (chronic coryza) which regularly require occasional treatments. Last month, her condition deteriorated sharply. She sneezed all the time, she had severe difficulty breathing and she had a purulent nasal discharge. Her veterinarian as usual put her on antibiotics but for the first time also used Respi Miloa™. We locked Severus up in a closed transport box with a bowl of hot water in which we added 4 drops of Respi Miloa™, and covered the transport box with a thick blanket so that…

Arnaud Boulet – Charleville-Mézières – France

Ultra Sweet tm

Lily is a 2-year-old European female cat who spends her life outdoors. Its long-haired angora-type coat tends to get tangled easily, especially with its outdoor cat lifestyle (earth, foliage, vegetation, etc.). Ultra Sweet™ is a shampoo which is very pleasant to handle. It has a light texture and a very pleasant fruity scent which is absorbed into the coat. A light foam forms quickly and is very easy to rinse. Its detangling power makes brushing easier and adds shine. The hair is soft, very fragrant and very silky.

Valérie Paruch – Château-Thierry – France

Zen Supp tm

I want to tell you about my European cat “Osalia”. She has a very special character. She is a fan of aggressiveness through irritation. She has been on Zen Supp™ since October 17. I noticed an improvement after one month of treatment. My cat is calmer and less stressed. She gets more approachable. In conclusion, I recommend Zen Supp™ to improve difficult behavior and aggressiveness in your cats.

Léa Aubert de Château-Thierry – France

Anti Ageing tm Anti-Ox tm

The effect on my dog is truly incredible and unexpected, after almost 3 challenging months of intestinal problems with a big drop in shape and weight, after trying other supplements and several changes to his household ration, in vain. And because since Anti-Ox™, my dog has truly come back to life and that is priceless. And I thank you so much for that. Nobu is a 11 1/2 year old collie with a history of chronic inflammatory bowel disease (CIBD) and numerous food intolerances. He also has hypothyroidism (treated). Apart from that, he is still very fit, very active, with…

François Wanguer

Energy Supp tm Zen Supp tm

I adopted Lara as a kitten in Guadeloupe. She’s nearly 3 now and has feline calicivirus. She has a habit of attacking my other cats when she's in a bad mood. Thanks to Zen SuppTM, she’s more docile and has stopped fighting with the others. I also give her Energy SuppTM to get her back on her feet quickly.

Corinne Moreau

Anti Ageing tm Energy Supp tm

Happy, my Yorkshire Terrier, is nearly 13 and has Cushing’s disease. He’s currently on a daily dosage of: 1/2 an Anti-AgeingTM tablet 1/2 an Energy SuppTM tablet Since I’ve been using Miloa products combined with herbal medicine, I’ve noticed that the hair on his ears has been growing back. The skin colour on the inside of his ears is also back to normal. The Cushing’s had made it go completely black. His muzzle looks less “bald” too. The Cushing’s had made the fur there very fine and rough. I used to be able to clip him four or five times…

Corinne Moreau

Immune Supp tm

We have a godmother at the association, and we don't talk about her enough on our web page, while her gifts are gold, yes yes gold! I'm talking about veterinary doctor Estelle Lhoest and her Veterinary Expert Miloa products. Estelle has been helping us for many years now, and frankly, I consider her as our godmother. She advises us with respect to our little protégés, most of whom have a lack of immunity, digestion problems, chronic coryzas ... in short, everything the street offers them before arriving at our home. We supplement our darlings with her tablets. This year especially,…

Poils et Moustaches - Animal shelter - Non-profit organisation whose main purpose is STERILIZATION and CARE for STRAY CATS

Zen Supp tm

This is Dirham, a 10-and-a-half-year-old Belgian Malinois. She weighs 20kg and shows signs of stress daily. Dirham is a very sensitive dog and panics at the slightest noise. Fireworks and firecrackers put her into an uncontrollable state of stress. Three weeks ago, I started giving her Zen Supp TM at a dose of 2 tablets a day. Although she is still a little anxious in certain situations, Dirham has become calmer and less stressed. For 4 days now, I have given her 4 tablets in the morning: a miracle, I have found my dog, she plays again, wags her tail like…

Anne-Laure Ben Hamou, Specialist Veterinary Assistant - Veterinary clinic - Vaujours

Mobility Supp tm Reno Pro tm

First of all, Vadim is a dog who has practised agility for many years. Due to his old age he now has osteoarthritis. He has had a small kidney failure for about a year. Anti-inflammatory drugs are therefore not recommended for him, which is why he takes Mobility Supp TM tablets every day for his joints and Reno Pro TM tablets for his kidneys. With these products Vadim is doing very well. His owners explained to us that when their dog stays 3 days without Mobility Supp TM he starts to limp and suffer again. Thanks to the Reno Pro tablets his kidney…

Christelle, Specialist Veterinary Assistant - Semur-en-Auxois

Mobility Supp tm

Yoda is a seven-year-old Malinois shepherd. After taking X-rays, I realized that he was suffering in silence from arthritic lumbosacral pain. I started Mobility Supp TM from Miloa. After 10 days, he had found a spirit that I had not seen in him for years. Today, Yoda takes Mobility Supp TM daily and devours life!

Dr Jean Marie Bryskier - Veterinary Office De La Chaussée - Chauny

Mobility Supp tm

Hello, I’m Harlem, a Veterinarian’s Australian shepherd dog and I’m 6 years old. I do Agility ;-) (and I’m pretty good without bragging), but one day I sprained my right foreleg. Since then, every time I play crazy, I limp for two or three days. My mom decided to try Mobility Supp TM and since then, I no longer limp after the efforts I put in. I can continue to be crazy and I love it!

Dr Marion Brignoli - Les Renardières veterinary clinic - Pont-sur-Yonne

Anti Ageing tm

Asterix is a Labrador, nearly 14 years old, and has been taking Anti-Ageing TM daily for a year. This treatment was prescribed because he was feeling out of sorts and had no appetite. Since he started on Anti-Ageing TM, his owner feels he has been livelier and more alert for a dog of his age and he has regained his appetite.

Julie, Specialist Veterinary Assistant - Myvet veterinary clinic in Saint-Saulve

Mobility Supp tm

Hulysse is a 12 year old Pyrenean Shepherd. For several months, he has had osteoarthritis problems on his hind legs, difficulty climbing stairs, jumping into the car, jumping on the chair. He screamed with each jump and he could even fall to the ground because his jump was not high enough, or he did not have the strength in the hind legs. Since he gets Mobility Supp TM by Miloa, I have seen a big improvement. He no longer screams when he jumps. The jumps appear easier to manage. As a result, I continue this treatment which relieves him really well.

Jeanine, his owner

Mobility Supp tm

I am the owner of Capi, a 12-year-old male Cavalier King Charles. I am very pleased with Miloa Mobility Supp TM. Capi has reacted very well to his treatment: as early as the 2 nd week, he became more lively. Whereas before, he could no longer jump on the couch. With Mobility Supp TM, he has a second youth. Thank you!

Mr Feron David - Department of Meuse

Anti Ageing tm

Buzz is 13 and last Christmas he had symptoms suggesting either a stroke or a brain tumour. He was disoriented and generally listless. He’s been taking two of the round grey Anti-Ageing TM tablets every day for the past three months and is livelier these days. I ran out of them for a week and really noticed a difference, in that he was disoriented and sluggish. Dr Boulay at the veterinary clinic in Belleville-sur-Saône advised me that he should continue the treatment for the rest of his life.

Mrs Stéphanie Ponthus - Belleville-sur-Saône

Mobility Supp tm

Hello, My name is Aurélie Lecachux. I'm a veterinarian in Haute Savoie. I advised Mobility Supp TM Miloa to Mrs Montheil for her dog, Apache, a 15 year-old golden retriever who suffers from severe motor difficulties. The dog has been taking it for 2 months and now walks and gets up on its own. The improvements are spectacular.

Dr Aurélie Lecacheux (Veterinary clinic Nac et Compagnie) - Sillingy

Mobility Supp tm

Isterik will be 10 years old on 29 August this year and for several months she had been having difficulty walking. She seemed to tire very easily and often limped on her front leg. X-rays didn’t reveal anything serious, other than an osteophyte (like Tyson) and a touch of osteoarthritis in her right front elbow. She’s been taking Mobility Supp TM Miloa products since December. There are no real visible signs of improvement in her gait or stamina yet, but there has been no further deterioration since she started the treatment. I must say, however, she does seem to have a…

Dr Laetitia Boland (CHV NordVet) - La Madeleine

Cardio Supp tm

Haribo, my 7-year-old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, has been on Cardio Supp TM for the past year to treat his heart murmur. The medication has a nice taste and he takes it without any problem. His health is much improved and he doesn’t get as out of breath as he used to. This product is effective and can be easily cut up – I recommend it.

Energy Supp tm

A great hunter, Pascal Guillaumot from Soussey de Brionne pushed his passion quite far and hunted with his dogs without a rifle. To do this, he has assembled a small pack of running dogs: tricolour Anglo-Français de Petite Véneries. Honey is a 40kg dog, a true Formula 1 of a hunting dog, he is the leader of the pack who, all of a sudden, begins to no longer hunt, tire and doesn’t follow the others. His dogs never stop and can hunt for an entire day and be energised for the next day. He makes a calculated ration but some…

Dr Ventard

Anti Ageing tm

Since about 3 to 4 months our 12-year-old Yorkie Bill has appeared more and more absent, in his own world, straight on his 4 paws, with a fixed gaze, no reaction to being called, nor to the ring of the front doorbell... We talked to our veterinarian who prescribed Anti-Ageing TM Miloa and within a week we felt the results. It’s a real boost. He became attentive again, almost no more absences. A new-found energy! This Anti-Ageing TM herbal supplement that we mix with his kibbles will be for life but the well-being of our companion has no price.

Miss Maryse DELSART

Zen Supp tm

For the record, I adopted Crysis from the animal shelter in Saint Etonne on 10 February 2017 when she was 2½ years old. Unfortunately, she had suffered a lot of ill-treatment in her short life. She was abandoned a day after giving birth and her torturer killed her litter of pups. When she first came to us, she was fearful of everything, especially people. The slightest noise or any sudden movement and she’d get in a right state. Over time, the situation improved thanks to a lot of patience, training and therapeutic agility classes. Then while we were out one…

Many thanks to you, Crysis and Marion

Mobility Supp tm

Diablo is an 11 years and 8 months old crossed Labrador. I am very happy with Miloa Mobility Supp TM. My dog Diablo takes it very easily and has less pain in the morning.


Mobility Supp tm

This is Apple, a 9½-year-old male weighing 45 kg, whom I saw at the clinic when he came in for his annual check-up and vaccinations last January. His clinical examination was fine, apart from a few issues with bones and joints: he was experiencing a sharp pain when his right hip was extended and pressure on the lumbar vertebrae also caused him discomfort. I suggested to the owner that she should bring him back in a week’s time for an osteopathy session (I couldn’t do it any sooner) and that we should start him on Mobility Supp TM as a disease-modifying…

Dr Lucas Sanier - Saint Mathieu veterinary clinic

Zen Supp tm

A Labrador and Golden Retriever cross breed, Lexie is full of energy! On July 28th, 2019, her 3rd birthday, she had her first epileptic seizure. Following a blood test, her wonderful veterinarian advised us to start with a mild treatment. It has been more than 6 months since we gave her 1tbl/day of Zen Supp TM Miloa (or 2tbl/day during stressful episodes (trips…). Lexie is alleviated and her seizures are more spaced than ever.

Dr Christelle Vernex-Lozet - Veterinary Clinic de la Versoie

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