» Your Miloa team




Estelle Lhoest

Estelle, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, former nutrition assistant at the University of Liège, author and co-author of some 10 academic articles, a qualified nutritionist, phytotherapist and aromatherapist, Miloa founder and president. Since I was very young, I've always taken care of injured feathered and furry friends, so it was only natural that I should become a vet. I grew up surrounded by animals and plants and I simply can’t get enough of them.
How can you fail to admire Ginkgo, which grew back the year after the atomic bomb explosion in Hiroshima, or poppies, which give us morphine ? Plants are so remarkable. They are fixed to the spot, so they must source their survival resources from within. Since 2006 I've been analysing their defence strategies and studying their many properties. Working with researchers from all over the world, we are developing unique innovative solutions to keep your pets in good health and help them live longer. Miloa is my way of thanking, every day, my friends with feathers, fur, scales, two legs, four legs or no legs at all, for all the love and the lessons they have been giving me for more than 40 years !

Dr Sophie EL ABBAS - fr

Sales Manager France, Belgium and Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
> sophie@miloa.eu
For Belgium (Province of Liège, Namur and Luxembourg)

I’ve always loved animals. Horses, dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters – you name it, I’ve got a soft spot for them all. I even told my parents that I wanted to be a vet after seeing my local vet treating my hamster when I was 10. I’ve always been attracted and fascinated by animals in equal measure. They can provide us with invaluable resources and I particularly enjoy the relationship we can have with them. So it was a truly emotional milestone for me when I qualified as a vet in 2011. After gaining some practical experience in a mixed veterinary clinic, I worked as a research and teaching assistant in the Physiology department of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. At the same time, I embarked on a doctorate in scientific research, completing it in November 2019. To keep my hand in with clinical practice, I decided to train in veterinary acupuncture at the French Veterinary Academy of Acupuncture and Osteopathy (AVETAO) in January 2019, which gave me another way of taking care of my patients and complemented my scientific training. The logical next step for me was to join Miloa, which I did in August 2020. My primary motive was to help develop effective, innovative solutions to constantly improve the health and well-being of our pets, who give so much back to us in return!


Administrative Assistant
> info@miloa.eu

I’ve always loved dogs and cats, so when I saw that Miloa was looking for an administrative assistant, I jumped at the chance of applying for the job. I’ve always enjoyed going for long walks in the woods with my dogs. It’s something I used to do with my father every Saturday and Sunday. As soon as I left home I acquired a cat, who lived to the ripe old age of 18. I now have a 7½-year-old Shiba Inu and of course I still go for long walks in the woods every weekend.

Anne-Laure BROSSEL - fr

Advisory sales representative
> anne-laure@miloa.eu
French departments: 02 - 08 - 51 - 52 - 54 - 55 - 57 - 88

As far as I can remember the well-being of our pets or feathered companions has always been my priority. This passion was present in my former activity as a specialized veterinary assistant, as it is also in my personal life and the canine activities that I practice with my dogs. It was for this reason that I became interested in more natural and holistic approaches to animal care and trained in animal shiatsu. Nature gives us everything we need and herbal medicine is a great wealth for animal care.

Jean-François VIGIER - fr

Regional Consultant | DMV
> jean-françois@miloa.eu
French departments: 16 - 17 - 24 - 33 - 47

Veterinarian and osteopath, holder of the DIE of osteopathy (French complementary qualification diploma), I am glad exercising latter activity exclusively. As all alternative medicines are perfectly associated with osteopathy, it was only natural for me to join Miloa. Miloa offers the most complete range of phytotherapy-based products, which are the result of serious, deep and successful research. It is a perfect complement to my daily practice of osteopathy. I am very happy to actively participate in the dissemination of the product related knowledge. In my free time, as I have always been passionate about nature and animals, I show lots of ingenuity in taking pictures of the intimate poses of small animals that inhabit the wetland in my Bordeaux region, which I love. As a golfer, I appreciate the unspoiled nature of golf courses on which many protected mammals and insects frolic happily. I hope to meet you soon to share with you my experiences of Miloa products that provide simple and safe care for our beloved companions. Dr VIGIER Jean-François, Veterinarian D.I.E of Osteopathy

Manon BEGUINOT - fr

Advisory sales representative
> manon@miloa.eu
French departments: 11 - 30 - 34 - 48 - 66 - 84

I am concerned about animal welfare and I want to provide them with the best care, which is why joining Miloa is obvious. For me, herbal medicine is the future of animal health.

Pauline BOURDETTE - fr

Consultant Vet
> pauline@miloa.eu
French departments: 22 - 29 - 35 - 40 - 50 - 53 - 64

I have had a passion for animals since I was a kid, and I always wanted to be a veterinarian. I joined Maisons Alfort in 2010, graduated in 2015 and continued for a year with an internship in ruminant medicine. After a varied career that took me all over France, from rural areas to home emergencies in the Paris region and a position as a hospital practitioner in the Production Animals department at ENVA, always accompanied by my companion on all fours, I wanted to have another approach to veterinary medicine and the care given to our animals. I turned to osteopathy, which I practice after training at the IMAOV, as well as to Miloa, which is completely in line with this approach that is dear to me, this more natural way of treating our animals, while being effective and scientifically proven. It is this vision that I wish to share, to contribute to the health and well-being of our life companions!