



Der Miloa tm Zen Supp tm

Let me introduce you to Angelo, a 4.5 year old gray parrot from Gabon. When I saw him for consultation the first time, he had been followed without improvement for 6 months by a colleague for an injury under the wing with significant itching. He was under treatment with fluoxetine, an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory. His owner was desperate and even considered euthanizing him.

The parrot had a large bandage surrounding the wing. He was super stressed. He hadn't spoken for several months and he had lost a lot of weight. Under the bandage, I discovered that the inside of his wing was raw and bleeding. The skin was like cardboard and one area was even starting to become necrotic. First, I thoroughly cleaned the wound. As Angelo was confident, he let it happen. I redid the figure 8 bandage with antiseptic ointment. The owner redid the bandage two days later and I saw him again 3 days later.

I immediately prescribed Zen Supp™ mixed with mashed banana to help him relax. On the wound, I used Der Miloa™ and ointment. I also put a straitjacket on to prevent him from fiddling with his bandage.

At the first check, the wound was significantly healthier. Angelo was also calmer and sought less to scratch under the wing. During the second check-up, 1 week later, the owner told me that he no longer stopped talking, that he ate with more appetite and that above all he was much less stressed. The straitjacket was no longer necessary: his feathers were growing back on his thighs and on his back.

Healing was very good, the scabs were falling off, the skin was more supple and the wound was very clean. I continued the treatment and bandages until complete healing.

Veterinary Doctor Mylène Peeters-Çavdar, Practitioner for Exotic Pets, Olbia Veterinary Clinic in Hyères – France