



Anti Ageing tm Anti-Ox tm

The effect on my dog is truly incredible and unexpected, after almost 3 challenging months of intestinal problems with a big drop in shape and weight, after trying other supplements and several changes to his household ration, in vain. And because since Anti-Ox™, my dog has truly come back to life and that is priceless. And I thank you so much for that.

Nobu is a 11 1/2 year old collie with a history of chronic inflammatory bowel disease (CIBD) and numerous food intolerances. He also has hypothyroidism (treated). Apart from that, he is still very fit, very active, with no problems of osteoarthritis or cognitive decline. He has been taking Anti-Ageing™ for over a year, because prevention is better than cure.

But after a long treatment with antibiotics + chemical dewormer + dental anesthesia, he had a relapse of CIBD with vomiting and very loose stools which had lasted for almost 3 months, despite various veterinary supplements and changes to his household ration. With also a weight loss and a very big drop in form, Nobu was as if extinct. A “detox” was done to drain all the toxins from these chemical treatments but without much improvement. There was talk of starting corticosteroid therapy, which I wanted to avoid.

I then started a treatment with Anti-Ox™, double dose first, to fight against oxidative stress given its inflammatory and autoimmune pathologies. Not only did Nobu tolerate the Anti-Ox very well, which was not a given considering his great intestinal sensitivities, but the effect was very quick, incredibly positive and unexpected after these 3 challenging months. Super positive effect on his digestion, his transit and on his stools which have finally become firm again. Super positive effect also on vitality, energy, physical and mental fitness. In summary, super effective systemic effect.

Since Anti-Ox™ treatment, Nobu has come back to life, it's like a rebirth, a reset and it's very surprising. I plan to continue the Anti-Ox™ treatment for as long as necessary and repeat it as soon as the need arises. Thank you!

François Wanguer