



Hepa supp tm

I introduce you to Picatchou, a 9 year old male dwarf rabbit. During consultation, the owners told me he would urinate everywhere; his rear end would be soiled; he would be losing weight, and above all he would have difficulty eating.

On auscultation, I immediately noticed that he had intense pain in the left mandible and that at this level he showed a lump the size of a walnut. His dental exam was normal. I noticed hair loss around both eyes, and that he was suffering from significant weight loss. His body temperature was normal.

I hospitalized him for 48 hours to clean the abscess and I put him on a drip for rehydration. I prescribed antibiotics, painkillers and Hepa Supp™.

After 3 weeks, his condition stabilized.

Veterinary Doctor Mylène Peeters-Çavdar, Practitioner for Exotic Pets, Olbia Veterinary Clinic in Hyères – France