Aida is a spayed Beagle, 13 years old, weighing 15 kg. To relieve her osteoarthritis, she has been taking 1 Mobility Supp TM tablet every morning for several years. She has experienced less pain in her bones and joints since she started the treatment. With Aida, as with many other animals at the clinic, I’ve noticed a significant difference after Mobility Supp TM is prescribed: less limping, or even none at all, less osteoarticular pain and improved mobility. Aida has started doing things she hasn’t done for ages, such as jumping onto the sofa or into the boot of the car. She’s also able to go on longer walks with less discomfort and recovers more quickly afterwards. On 6 April 2018 Aida was also diagnosed with chronic renal failure, after presenting with apathy and dysorexia. She remained in hospital then on a drip at the clinic for three days, after which she was discharged and prescribed Benazepril, to be taken with Miloa Reno Pro TM (1 tablet every morning). She was also put on a special renal diet. Aida is now in great shape. Her weight is stable and her blood tests for kidney function are within the normal range. Recently she has also been having regular laser and Niromathé (reflexotherapy) sessions.
Dr. Lucas Sanier - Saint Mathieu de Treviers